Generations Growing in Faith

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Those who keep his commandments remain in him, and he in them, and the way we know that he remains in us is from Spirit he gave us.

- 1 John 3:24

Blog Post for Week 11
November 20, 2016

This past Sunday we learned the importance of prayer in the life of a follower of Jesus. We learned that when you sing, you pray twice, so we began to practice two little prayer songs that I hope we can commit to heart over the next several weeks.  Of course, Jesus taught us the importance of prayer by His example.  Let’s follow His excellent example of thanking His Father who is also our Father, especially with Thanksgiving this week!

Praying as a family is the most effective way to have your children learn the value of prayer and for them to learn by example as our faith is “caught not taught”.  So, what you say is not really as important as what you do, although both are always being attended to by those precious little eyes and ears!  We can pray anywhere and anytime, not having to wait our turn, which amazed the children.  God is always present, listening and responding to our prayer, even when He doesn’t seem to be “answering”. 

Sunday was the Feast of Christ the King.  Let’s begin to even more closely follow our King and give Him special thanks this week by attending mass together as a family!  Happy Thanksgiving!

For more ideas on ways your family can live your faith, visit the "Faith First for Families" page at Click on "Make a Difference" for ideas on how your family can share your faith in God with others.

Blog Post for Week 10

November 13, 2016

This past Sunday, your child learned that the heart of God’s Law is the Great Commandment. And what is the Great Commandment you may wonder, if you need a bit of a reminder. It is very simple but powerful: "Love God and love others as yourself.” It is taken from Matthew 22:37-40 where Jesus was teaching in the Temple and was asked which commandment of God is the greatest. Jesus gave him this answer:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second commandment is like the first one. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these two.” 

Perhaps talk about how your family lives the Great Commandment and choose one thing you will do this week to live the Great Commandment. Talk about some of the practical ways your family can live treating others as we would like to be treated.

As the gospel (Luke 21:5-19) reminds us, stand firm and you will win life! God bless you!

For more ideas on ways your family can live your faith, visit the "Faith First for Families" page at Click on "Make a Difference" for ideas on how your family can share your faith in God with others.

Blog Post for Week 9
November 6, 2016

Our time last Sunday was spent with our pastor, Fr. Jim Walsh, and Theresa Eagan to introduce the children to where they would be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation and have them hear from their pastor how the sacrament is something to be joyful about.  I hope going through the process with Fr. Jim made them feel more comfortable and ready to encounter Jesus for the first time in this sacrament.  Some shared they felt a little scared so we talked about their feelings in an effort to assure them all the priests would be wonderful to talk to, not harsh or stern.  I believe the service was a beautiful celebration of God’s loving us and forgiving us.

Thank you for being superb educators for your children; truly you are the primary “teachers” for them by the way you live your life and express God’s love to them.  The gospel of the Little Lost Lamb used at the service Monday night was one the children had heard about from Fr. Jim on Sunday at his time of instruction with them, so I pray that really made an impact on us all.  At mass Sunday, we were blessed to have received a beautiful reminder of the resurrection and why we come together each Sunday to honor the heart of our faith, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead!  God bless!

For more ideas on ways your family can live your faith, visit the "Faith First for Families" page at Click on "Make a Difference" for ideas on how your family can share your faith in God with others.