Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35


Every parishioner over 50 is a member. Trips, social events and days of recollection are planned throughout the year. 

Primary Contact:                         Marie Salem                  513-922-3938


Summer Picnic Marie Salem 513-922-3938
Annual Dinner Judy Tensing 513-451-2028
  Mary Ann Schehr 513-251-6144
  Maureen Vonderahe 513-451-5657
Hospitality Marty Crabb 513-451-1970
Quarterly Planning Meeting Marie Salem 513-922-3938
Treasurer Judy Tensing 513-451-2028
Casino Trips Mary Ann Schehr 513-251-6144
  Maureen Vonderahe 513-451-5657

Watch the bulletin for upcoming activities and for the date of our next Quarterly Planning Meeting.

Planning Meeting Minutes