Generations Growing in Faith


Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is the Lord. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream.

-Jeremiah 17:7-8


St. Dominic Parish
4551 Delhi Pike
Cincinnati, OH  45238
(513) 471-7741

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Driving Directions/Map Link

From the East (Downtown Cincinnati):

  •  Take US 50 (River Road) west to Fairbanks Avenue.
  •  Turn right onto Fairbanks and proceed about one mile to Delhi Road.
  •  Veer to the left onto Delhi Road.  Stay on Delhi Road crossing through the intersection of Delhi and  Pedretti Roads to Robben Lane.
  •  Turn left onto Robben Lane for about 500 feet.
  •  Turn left into the St. Dominic parking lot. 


From the North:

  •  Take I-75 south to the Freeman Avenue exit.
  •  Stay on Freeman Ave. for about one half mile turning right onto the ramp for US 50 River  Road.
  •  Follow the directions for East above.


From the West:

  •  Take US 50 (River Road) east to Bender Road.
  •  Turn left on Bender Road and proceed until it runs dead into Delhi Road.
  •  Turn left onto Delhi Road.  Proceed east on Delhi Road for about 2.5 miles to Robben Lane.
  •  Turn right onto Robben Lane for about 300 feet.
  •  Turn left into the St. Dominic parking lot.