Generations Growing in Faith


"Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory ofor your people Israel."

Luke 2:29-32


Marilyn Brunemann

I have worked for St. Dominic Parish for 28 years and counting.  Our family has been members of St. Dominic Parish since 1968.  My husband, George Brunemann, was the Maintenance Supervisor for St. Dominic Parish until his retirement in 2003.  We have six children and thirteen grandchildren, three of which are in St. Dominic School this year and one great grandson.  I am very happy and blessed to be an employee of St. Dominic Parish since Fr. Bertke hired me in 1985. 

Presently, I post the deposits, balance the quarterly payroll reports, request checks for Health Insurance, Life & Long Term Disability, Dental Insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Compensation and various special fund drives.  There are many other duties which the other members of the office staff share but most importantly we are here to serve.  We are here to help you in any way possible.  We welcome your suggestions and look forward to serving you!