Generations Growing in Faith



"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35



Where did the summer go?  We began the new school year on Wednesday.  There are a lot of different feelings associated with the beginning of school: anxiety, anticipation, regret that the summer is over, joy in seeing classmates.  When the children return, there is a new life and vitality that permeates our parish community.  We welcome them back.   Let’s pray that this school year is a time of growth in mind, body, and spirit for all our children.  Pray too for our teachers and school staff who do such a marvelous ministry in our parish.  May God bless them with generous hearts, that through their care and love, our children will realize that they are loved and cherished by God.  


A big thank you to Dan Doll, B.C. Charles, and the St. Dominic Men’s Society for their work in our cafeteria and Tile Hall and painting our school hallways.  A continuous thank you to Dan Jacobs and Jason Tuemler, our facilities staff, for their work this summer cleaning the classrooms, installing lockers, and relocating our kindergarten rooms to the primary wing.  They had special summer help from Steve Rodgers and Danielle Jacobs.


We said good bye to George Robben last Monday.  George was a member of St. Dominic from our very beginning as a parish.  His parents donated the land on which our church and school sit.  He was in the first First Communion class, and what a blessing he has been ever since, to our parish, to the Delhi community, and to our country as a veteran of the Korean War.  George was a happy man, full of joy.  He never knew a stranger, and no one ever encountered George without coming away with a smile.  It’s his smile that I will especially remember. May he now experience the fullness of joy God has prepared for those who trust in Him!  We will miss you George!


Fr. Jim