Generations Growing in Faith



"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35

Happy Mother’s Day to all our Moms!   A good mother is a marvelous gift from God.  This weekend we honor our mothers and thank them for loving us….a love that expresses itself in so many ways……affirmation, encouragement, correction, family meals, and diapers to name just a few!  What a marvelous vocation is motherhood. This is the blessing we prayed for our mothers at all the Masses on this Mother’s Day weekend:

 God of love listen to this prayer for our Mothers. 

God of holy people,…. of Sarah, Ruth, Rebekah and Rachel;  God of Holy Elizabeth, Mother of John, of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, bend down your ear to this request and bless the Mothers of our St. Dominic families.

Bless our Mothers with the strength of your Spirit, they who have taught their children how to stand and how to walk.  Bless them with the melody of your love, they who have shared how to speak, how to sing, and how to pray to you.  Bless them with a place at your eternal dinner table, they who have fed and nurtured the life that was formed within them.  Bless them today, now, in this lifetime, with good things.  Bless them with health, joy, love, laughter, and pride in their children.  Surround them with many good friends.  May they who carried life in their wombs be carried one day to your divine embrace; there, for all eternity, to rejoice with their families and friends.  Amen

 Fr. Jim