Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35


Dear Parishioners,

As the community of St. Dominic, we have many gifts and talents. The One we follow, Jesus Christ, exhorts us to be good stewards of what we have been given. A good steward is one who is aware of God's blessings, receives God's gifts with a grateful heart, cherishes and develops those gifts responsibly, shares them generously with family, friends, parish and beyond, and in the end, returns them with an increase to the Lord. 

I invite each of you to reflect on this question:  When and how is the Lord calling me to be of service? All of us are called to service/ministry by the sacrament of Baptism. A follower of Jesus serves others. The question for us is not whether we are called to service but where and how. Many serve in the marketplace and on the job by the by the witness of their Christian lives. Many serve in the home and in the neighborhood. Many of you are involved in the ministry of Christian parenting. There are many other needs for service and ministry in our life as a parish family. 

What follows are descriptions of various ministries at St. Dominic. I invite you to prayerfully reflect on them and consider where the Lord might be calling you to serve.

I believe we have the gifts and talents we need to be the Body of Christ in this place. The gifts just need to be released on the world by our generous response. I also believe that the Spirit of God is always in the process of inspiring, empowering, and encouraging the followers of Jesus to be of service to one another.  Lord, help us to recognize your promptings and to respond wisely and generously!


Fr. Jim


General Parish  Liturgical/ Sacramental Ministry to Youth School & PTO Ministries
Christmas Giving Tree Volunteers  Altar Servers  Parish School of Religion Catechist  Education Commission
Collection Counters Lectors  Boy Scout Leader/ Helpers  Library Workers
Finance Council Gift Bearers Cub Scout Leader/ Helpers Lunchroom Helpers
 God's Housekeepers Cantors Girls Scout Leader/ Helpers Junior Achievement
Goldenaires Choir Athletic Association Board  Ice Cream Coordinator/ Sales 
Pastoral Council  Ushers  Athletic Fundraising Parking Lot Coordinator/ Helper
St. Vincent de Paul Society Bereavement Ministry Coordinators/ Coaches STEM Club Volunteers/ Speakers
Saint Francis Society Communion to Sick/ Homebound  
 Walk-a-Thon Coordinator/ Helpers
Festival/ Las Vegas Night Workers RCIA Sponsor    
  RCIA Team    
   RCIA Catechist