Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35



The Men's Society is an organization for adult men in the parish. Over the years, the Society has been involved in countless parish functions, supported people and organizations in need, performed general maintenance and repair jobs, awarded scholarships for high school and St. Dominic grade school students and contributed significantly to the parish at large. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 8:00 in Fr. Grimmelsman Hall (i.e., the Music Room).  

Contact:   Peter Gibbs              513-284-3330



Each fall, the Men's Society raises Scholarship funds through a Lottery.  Tickets are sold throughout October after weekend masses in the Gathering space.  Click on link below for details and winning numbers:



Congratulations to our 2024 winners: Lillie Thai and Nick Fettig.

The St. Dominic Men’s Society Scholarship is awarded annually to ONE graduating boy and ONE graduating girl from St. Dominic School, who will be attending a local Catholic high school..  This scholarship honors students that put high effort into academics, are active in the St. Dominic community, and who positively represent St. Dominic Parish and the values of the Catholic faith through their actions.  Each scholarship is worth $1000.  Deadline for application submissions are in May of each year.  2025 Information will be published here in early 2025.  A link to the 2024 application can be found below:



The St. Dominic Men’s Society awards educational grants to teachers/administrators of St. Dominic School.  The application for 2024 grants closed on Sept 8, 2024.  2024 Grant recipients included: 8th Grade Field Trip to the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood, 3rd & 4th Grade STEM Club, and 5th-8th Grade STEM Club.



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