Generations Growing in Faith



"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, a day of abstinence from meat for all over 14 years of age, and a day of fast (one full meal) for all between 18 and 59 years of age.  The purpose of Lent in the life of a parish is to provide the opportunity for all of us to reflect on the meaning of baptism in our lives.  Baptism initiated us into a process of continuing conversion to the Lord and to His ways.  If we are truly following Jesus, we are continuing to change the way we see ourselves, others, and the world.  If we are trying to live like Jesus we are continuing to get better at loving others and giving witness to the values of Jesus.  Jesus Christ continues to invite us to change our hearts.  We reflect on our baptism and process of conversion at the same time our catechumens in the RCIA process are reflecting on the meaning of their approaching baptism at the Easter Vigil.

 Instead of a parish mission this year we decided to offer four additional Tuesday evening Masses at 7 pm with a focused Lenten preaching.  Fr. Mark Burger will lead us off by presiding and preaching at the Mass on Tuesday, February 24.  Fr. Norm Langenbrunner will be with us on Tuesday March 10. (The parish penance service will be Tuesday, March 3).  I will preside and preach on March 17 (the great feast day!), and Fr. Chris on March 24.     

 Our Lenten Parish Penance Service is Tuesday, March 3, at 7pm. After the Penance Service, Fr. Chris and I will be in the confessional until 9pm as part of the Archdiocese’s program, “Keep the Light On.”

 We will have the Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings in Lent at 7pm.  Make it an evening of Fish Fry and prayer!

 On Wednesday evening of Holy Week, Mike Davis will again do his inspirational concert on the Passion of Christ at 7:30 in church. 

 And ladies don’t forget that we are offering a Christ Renews His Parish weekend of renewal on March 7 and 8.  Call the office to reserve a spot.

Let’s pray that we all will grow in our relationship with the Lord and with one another during this Lenten season!

Fr. Jim