Generations Growing in Faith



"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35

What are you doing for Triduum this year? Lent ends at sunset on Holy Thursday.  The Triduum (Latin word for “three days”) begins.  Though we call this time the “Three Days,” in spirit it is really one event….one continual liturgical celebration.  What we start on Holy Thursday we finish on Easter Sunday.   These three days are the heart of our liturgical year, when we reflect on and celebrate the events that bring us salvation and eternal life.  I would like to suggest that you try to plan now for how you will spend these three days.  I suggest to you that these are three days when everything is important,… what you do,… where you go,… what you eat,… and with whom you spend your time.  Chart how you spend your time these three days and you will see what your priorities are. 

My hope is that you will choose to spend some of the time with the community of disciples of Jesus that is St. Dominic parish.  We will be gathering on Holy Thursday night, Good Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday night for the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday.  These gatherings are central to who we are as a community of faith.  I especially invite you to gather with us for the Easter Vigil on Saturday night.  The Easter Vigil is the most important celebration of the liturgical year.  We celebrate it well here at St Dominic.  Please come join us.

May I suggest a few questions for your reflection and prayer during these days?


      Whose feet are you being called to wash?

      What is Jesus’ word to you personally in the Eucharist today?

      What is your word to Him?


     What is Jesus’ word to you personally from the cross today?

     What is your word to Him?

     What is your cross at this time in your life?

     How is God saving you through it?


     How have you experienced new life through death?

     To what new life is God inviting you today?

      What needs to die first?

May this holiest week of the year be a time of grace for our parish and for each one of you.

Fr. Jim