Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35


Scouts BSA Troop 483 (Formerly Boy Scouts)
With an 80-year history at St. Dominic, Scouts BSA Troop 483 is a scout-led organization open to boys, enrolled in 6th grade and above or ages 11 through age 18.  BSA Scouting develops leaders and outstanding citizens by encouraging boys to explore their interests, serve their communities, and discover their talents through youth-led activities and programming. Scouting encourages spiritual growth, good sportsmanship, companionship, and respect for the outdoors. Under the guidance of adult leaders, scouts advance through a progression of ranks (Scout to Eagle) and develop the skills of being a life-long learner through required and elective merit badges. Troop meetings take place throughout the year on Wednesday evenings from 7:15 – 8:30 p.m.  We seek to schedule at least one outdoor adventure (camping, hiking, watersports) or community service project per month and one week-long summer camp per year. The troop participates in parish and community events and uses fundraisers to offset a significant portion of the costs.  We are flexible for other school or athletic obligations. We welcome your scout to attend when they are able and enjoy the outdoors!
Contact: BC Charles-Liscombe, Scoutmaster….……………336-686-9723