Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35


Charlie DeZarn


Thank you for visiting the St. Dominic Parish website. I am the business manager for St. Dominic Parish. I am Blessed and honored to have been selected to help lead the St. Dominic community. Our dedicated priests and staff have made this parish an outstanding environment for worship.   I have found St. Dominic parishioners to be friendly and inviting, a true welcoming place that fosters warmth, care, and concern for one another.

My wife Mary and I are parishioners of St. Jude the Apostle Parish in Bridgetown. We have five children and one son in law.  All have attended Catholic grade schools, high schools and some have attended Catholic colleges. We believe a Catholic education has provided a solid foundation for our children.

Prior to being the Business and Development Director at St. Dominic, I was the Vice President of Finance & Operations at McAuley and Mercy High Schools.  Prior to realizing my ministerial call to Catholic education and parish life, I was CFO of a Cincinnati law firm for 25 years.

I am truly blessed to be here and am happy to help in any way I can.