Generations Growing in Faith


"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35


April 1933 Property deeded to Archbishop McNicholas from Mrs. Bernadine Robben

October 29, 1933 First Mass in the Mutual Aid Hall at Delhi and Greenwell.


September 2, 1934 First Mass offered in the basement of the new building (now Tile Hall) and school opens in four classrooms upstairs


October 9, 1938 Chapel and open basement dedicated. (Now School offices, classroom upstairs and Teal Hall downstairs) Ed. Honnert general contractor


August 19, 1940 New Rectory (demolished in 2004 for the new parish center) built on property and old residence on Pedretti Rd. (near Fehr Rd.) is sold for $5000.


September 1942 Addition to school (four classrooms and an open basement “playroom” is opened. (Current second grade classrooms upstairs and first grade downstairs) At a later point the play area was divided off to provide a library area. It had an outside direct entrance from the parking lot. It was subdivided later into classrooms.)


December 25, 1949 First Mass offered in new basement church (undercroft – now school library, computer areas, etc.) built at a cost of $125,000.  Addition to rectory completed in early 1950.


June 1953 old chapel area remodeled into three classrooms.


June 1, 1955 Construction begins on new (current) church building. Ed. Honnert is general contractor and Albert V. Walters is the architect.


June 2, 1957 Dedication of the new church


November 15, 1958 plans approved for new 8-classroom addition to the school (current 4th/5th grades hall) Tillar Bros. General Contractors


February 5, 1962 construction of convent begun, (now art room, teachers’ lounge, music room area)


November 1963 building project proposed – ten room school addition and auditorium/gymnasium. (Dedicated on November 1, 1964 in honor of Fr. Grimmelsman.)


1970 church undercroft is remodeled into classroom space.


1998-1999 Interior of the church is remodeled with new floor, painting and pews


August 2004 Former classroom and teachers’ lounge turned into school office and nurses’ office areas


December 4, 2005 New Parish Center and Gathering Space completed